Reducing greases or calories? I eat to know to choose to that diet is the best

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You have asked yourself if in a minute to want to elect a diet  always somebody that tell you will be do you have to eliminate greases if not never descend of weight In The Meantime than other ones say Sugar, But And calories?.
Be as be the diet that you are going to elect you must take into account the consumption of your calories.
I will show you Steps to know here what type of diet electing :

1.  Have your objective very clear

2. Identify that he is what you want to lose, weight, size, grease or keeping oneself in your weight.

Diet low-fat

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A diet really descends in greases, you are very efficacious to for to prevent some types of cancer, but necessarily you have nothing to do with the quantity of grease that burns away, rather, with the kind of grease that we eat . 

For example the greases of red meat, the cheeses and the butter that do not have a healthy contribution for the organism compared with the greases of olive oil or of the avocado.

There is proof that a diet that contains greases is efficacious, but less than another type of diets.

Pros, this type of diet has many benefits like to decrease the bad cholesterol and to increase the good, a time reduces the blood pressure, past they improve the erections all over the morning.

Cons, due to the change of nutrition your colon will be voidable, perhaps you will feel somewhat tired or weakened while the body becomes accustomed, you would be able to have inflammation that will happen in some days.

Low-calorie diet

A hypo-caloric diet helps you so much to maintain like to reducing your weight.

The problem is in that you are supposed to control the quantity of calories that you consume daily.

It is the pros of this diet that you will lose weight step by step and it's very unlikely that you go back to raise those little kilos right now lost.


Them cons, menus are very strict, come to generate anxiety and they are diets that not always to always him complete, they make the dependents to tell calories.

It has to do with the types of foodstuff that they use up, that is, when doing a balance between these two diets in both, quality is better than quantity.

The results will depend on your note and of your present-day status of health.  

The one that better go with you, this elects with the end that you not want to abandon her third day to have begun it.

Not forget consulting with an expert or nutricionista before you be going to elect any special diet.



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